

Reception Teacher: Mrs Alison Farrington and Mrs Laura Smith

Reception Teaching Assistants: Mrs Lucy Smith and Mrs Brigitte Toplass



Curriculum: Our Curriculum is based around the understanding that children learn best through play and active learning. Our carefully tailored planning allows us to teach across all 7 areas of learning and development. These being: 

  • PSED-Personal Social and Emotional Development 
  • PD- Physical Development
  • CLL- Communication and Language
  • L- Literacy
  • M-Mathematics
  • UW-Understanding the world 
  • EAD- Expressive Arts and Design 


Reading : During reception, your child will start to bring home sheets and books they can read to you!

Please read these with them at least 3 times a week. These books match to the level phonics we are teaching in school. We follow the RWI programme. 

They will also bring home a book they have chosed themselves. We hope you enjoy reading this book with/to them too!

PE : PE is on a Friday, please send your child to school in PE kit on this day


We are very much looking forward to working with you and your child during their time in Reception. If you ever have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to ask us on the door, ring the office with a message or drop us a message on Class Dojo




Our Newsletters

Reception Newsletter 2024.pdf .pdf

Our Newsletters

Curriculum Newsletter Reception Autumn 1.pdf .pdf