Social, emotional and mental health needs can be very different in different children and young people. Some of the issues that might be involved are:
· Having problems with peers
· Difficult times at home
· Experience of a traumatic situation
· Special educational needs and or disabilities such as autism conditions, learning disabilities or physical disabilities.
· Any other issue which is affecting how a child or young person feels and behaves, to the point where everyday life can become difficult.
What can we do to help? .
All children and young people experience difficult feelings and situations in their lives. Families often play the biggest role in helping children learn how to cope with difficult feelings and experiences. Schools, and other services in children’s daily lives, also play a big part in this. For most children and young people, this will be enough to help them cope with difficult times. For other children, if their feelings, thoughts and behaviours affect their everyday life and stop them from making progress, or risk harm to themselves or others, they may be considered to have social, emotional and mental health needs. They may well need extra help.
Universal services: services for everyone: Children’s Centres, health visitors, schools, early years settings, GPs, play and leisure facilities, information, advice and guidance services
At school, we talk about Social, emotional and mental health with the children and reflect on events that have happened to support children in dealing with them. We promote strategies such as mindfulness to help children deal with feelings of anxiety or anger.