Here are some websites that are full on fun learning activities that will support your child's learning.
Maths timetables practice Maths games |
All children have their own log in for this that are being sent home in the packs. It is the same log in for both sites.
| | General learning resources |
Some useful ideas for projects to carry out at home | | General learning resources |
This is particularly helpful for children with upcoming SAT tests
| | General learning resources |
Lots of free resources
Supermovers | PE/active learning resources |
Lots of resources for active lessons to help keep children moving!!
| | Maths resources |
Links to maths songs!
| | Reading resources |
Some interactive games to help your children learn to read letters and sounds
| | Audible Stories |
Free audible stories for your children to listen to.
Bring The Noise | Music resources |
Music resources and activities for Primary and Early Years
Spelling Frame | Spelling |
A website that has lots of free resources for spelling Year 1 -6. There are lots that you can access without subscription.
World of Walliams | David Walliams books |
Free audio stories read by David Walliams. It also has lots of fun activities linked to his books.
The Maths Factor | Carol Vorderman's maths website - NOW FREE |
Free access to this maths website that has lots of games and lessons for ages 4-12.
British Sign Language | Learn Sign Language |
Free online course for those under 18 to learn sign language, plus lots of online resources.
Rainforest Activity Pack | Fun activities |
Downloadable animal fun activities. | | Geography |
Geography teaching and learning resources for Early Years and Primary aged children.
Oxford Owl | Free reading |
Link to free online e-books
Lego Duplo facebook page | Duplo Learning | Some lovely EYFS learning ideas using Duplo |
SEN ASSIST | SEN assist |
Interactive traditional story activities
Educational Games | Apps For Early Years | A list of apps that are good for children in Early Years |
The Great Bug Hunt | Science competition |
A science competition that you can enter to win science resources for your class.
Wizarding World | Harry Potter activities | A JK Rowling website with lots of Harry Potter themed activities |
Mini Beast Game | Mini Beast Game |
Get up close with some mini beasts. These amazing interactive images also allow you to find out facts about the mini beasts.
Chester Zoo | Live feed to Chester Zoo | Link To Chester Zoo facebook page with live feeds and tours around the zoo seeing the different animals. |
Virtual Tours | Virtual Educational Trip |
A website that has links to: Free Virtual Tours of World Museums, Educational Sites & Galleries For Children
Edinburgh Zoo | Live feed to Edinburgh Zoo | Live webcams to watch the animals |
Active Kids Do Better | Active Kids |
Ideas to keep active at home