At the end of Key Stage One and continuing through Key Stage Two, we develop reading comprehension through our whole class reading sessions.
To support children’s learning, we use the VIPERS teaching approach. The VIPERS mnemonic helps our children to recall the main comprehension skills of Vocabulary, Infer, Predict, Explain, Retrieve, and Sequence or Summarise. High quality, appropriately challenging texts are chosen that link to all areas of our curriculum, and over a course of each half-term, children will have been exposed to fiction, non-fiction and poetry. As the texts are carefully planned twe ensure that child are exposed to a wide range of genres and deliberate links are made to our wider curriculum to aid retention and retrieval of key facts.
In addition, we also use Whole Class Reading to explore class novels in more depth. In these sessions, children are given the opportunity to consider authors’ intent; make connections and comparisons; and reflect on their own reactions as readers.
Oxford Reading Buddy:
Oxford Reading Buddy is a digital tool that creates an adaptive, personalised reading journey for each child based on assessment. This ensures children are reading a text at the right level. As the children work to develop the skills and stamina required for extended reading with good comprehension, they will be presented with personalised scaffolding to build independent reading skills. Vocabulary is taught explicitly and within context.
Reading resources when our phonics programme has been completed consists of: