Young Carers

A young carer is someone age five up to their 18th birthday who regularly provides care and emotional support to a family member (parent, brother or sister, grandparent or other relative) who is physically or mentally ill, disabled or misuses alcohol or drugs.

Young carers regularly help to care for a family member and we offer support to make sure the level of the caring they are doing does not have a negative effect on them.

What might a young carer do?

  • Practical tasks, like cooking, housework and shopping.
  • Physical care, such as helping someone out of bed.
  • Emotional support, including talking to someone who is distressed.
  • Personal care, such as helping someone dress.
  • Managing the family budget and collecting prescriptions.
  • Helping to give medicine.
  • Helping someone communicate.
  • Looking after brothers and sisters.

At The Meadows, we support families in completing young carers’ assessments to provided children with the support they need.

We provide Young Carers with opportunities to discuss their role with a member of the pastoral team and are also provided with additional activities to do.