Assessment Principles
We monitor and assess all pupils throughout school using clear systems, with summative judgements made at set points of the year. It is important to have a holistic approach to assessments; we therefore value many forms of assessment. This includes teacher judgements; work scrutiny; testing; tracking and pupil voice. We measure and analyse both progress and attainment for pupils. We monitor pupils’ ‘flight path’ so we have a clear overview of their attainment and progress every year, which begins with their EYFS assessment. This ensures that all pupils achieve their full potential and those pupils requiring accelerated progress are identified and supported in every year group.
Progress and Attainment
Progress- We measure pupils’ progress towards the age-related expectations throughout each year and also look at progress from EYFS to KS1 then KS1 to KS2.
Attainment- A summative judgement is made at capture points to show if a child is on-track to meet the age-related expectations each year.
Summative Tracking
There are three data capture points each academic year: end of autumn, end of spring and summer term. We record our summative judgements as either working below age-related expectations, emerging into work at national standard (E), working towards national standard (WT), working at the national standard (NS) or working above the national standard (GDS). These judgements come from past SATs papers in Y2 and Y6 and from NTS assessments for Y1 and Y3-5. Throughout the year, we hold pupilprogress meetings to ensure that all children achieve their full potential.
Across the foundation subjects, we assess against the End Points identified in our curriculum intent documents. Where gaps in knowledge are identified future planning is adapted to ensure it is revisited or retaught.
Feedback on Progress
Our feedback policy is consistent across school with all children understanding the approach. Our approach actively encourages live marking and self-assessment to motivate and allow children to take ownership of their learning.
The key principles of our approach are:
The sole focus of feedback should be to further children’s learning.
Feedback should empower children to take responsibility for improving their own work.
Verbal or visual feedback should be the main source given.
Children receive feedback within the lesson or in the next appropriate lesson. The ‘next step’ is usually the next lesson.
Feedback should be purposeful and used to celebrate and improve attainment. High quality feedback from teachers, pupils and other adults is an essential part of formative assessment.
Statutory Assessment
On entry to Reception children are assessed using statutory Baseline Assessment. At the end of the Reception year staff will complete the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile for all children.
Pupils in Years 2 and 6 will sit statutory assessment tests in May. Additionally, pupils in Year 1 will sit the Phonics Screening Check in June. Year 4 pupils will also sit a multiplication tables check in June. The dates for these statutory assessments can be found on the school calendar as well as on the relevant year group pages.