
At The Meadows, we believe that the best way to ensure that pupils do well in English is to ensure that they become life-long engaged readers.

Children and staff at The Meadows are enthusiastic readers and we endeavour to foster a love and passion for reading in our children from the outset. To this end, we hold a variety of whole school events throughout the year to encourage and develop the passion for reading. Reading is taught through Read Write Inc phonics and then through vipers reading lessons which focuses on: Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation and Summary. Through our reading lessons, we endeavour to instil a love of reading.

We ensure that teachers make regular recommendations to pupils to encourage reading for pleasure.


Reading for Pleasure

Reading for pleasure at the Meadows Primary Academy aims to establish each child as a lifetime reader based on developing a love of reading.  We ensure our children are given a rich curriculum which encourages reading of books and other kinds of texts.

We aim to promote the concepts of reading for ‘fun’, ‘enjoyment’ and ‘pleasure’.

 What the Meadows does to promote reading for pleasure:

  • We have age-related fiction and non-fiction within each class via the class book corner.
  • Through our vipers reading lessons, we explore rich vocabulary and complete shared class reading through echo and choral reading to engage and give opportunities to discuss books as a class.
  • Daily Storytime sessions are held throughout the school
  • Children have access to the school library as a class during school time and at break and lunchtime
  • we have reading ambassadors who support the running of the library
  • Reading takes place both in and outside of the classroom. We have a reading library on the KS1 yard and benches on the Ks2 yard where children can read.
  • The school encourages links with parents by ensuring every child has access to online nooks and quizzes through Oxford Owl and Reading Buddy.
  •  We also ensure that teachers make regular recommendations to pupils to encourage reading for pleasure.
  • We invite authors in to run our awards and emphasise the importance of reading
  • In addition, we celebrate reading through themed days e.g. World Book Day and invite parents in as ‘mystery readers.’ 





Reading on a Page


Our Intended Reading Curriculum
